Does he have ADHD behaviour outside of school? Did he have ADHD behaviour and chew his clothes in his previous class? Do *you* think he has ADHD?

Last year (grade 1) the school recommended that we test DS for ADHD-I. We didn't think that was it but knew there was something going on that we wanted to get to the bottom of. Turns out he's gifted but with extremely low processing speed and low working memory. With the increasing writing expectations in grade 1 which were extra challenging because of the processing speed and the boredom that came from a teacher that treated him like he was below average rather than above (based on his slow work) and then add on that her class was extra chaotic and we had a kid that looked like ADHD-I. Fast forward to this year and we have a much stronger teacher who is better at differentiation, he's allowed to have things scribed when needed which takes the edge off his frustration, a DS that understands that writing is challenging but not because he's "stupid" and he is a completely different kid. When we told him that it is possible to be really smart but to have a hard time with writing it was a huge relief to him, I could actually see him relax.

I have no idea if any of that will apply to your situation but hopefully a good tester will help you get to the bottom of what ever is going on with your DS. Last year was really rough for us but we came out much stronger in the end. Our public school has been great once we started advocating and worked together to get him a better fit for this year.

Good luck!