I think the school is retesting because they feel the IQ is inaccurate, and they were concerned at the low processing speed scores. I personally do not feel the developmental psychologists eval was accurate either. Also his behaviors are a problem, and to get accommodations he needs a special Ed eval. They are not diagnosing, but are asking all the questions that point to ADHD. They will screen for LD red flags.

The School OT thought it might be anxiety much like her 3rd grade dd suffered from. They know based on the OT eval that ds is not an oral sensory seeker, yet at school he chews his shirt until its sopping wet. We rarely see that behavior at home. I feel just like the private OT did, the chewing is a coping mechanism.

The writing seems to be more of an issue at school. He can write and form the letters, and he isn't particularly slow at it either. It is just too large and uncontrolled. It's never neat, but it is better at home.

We haven't seen a neuropsych. What type of evals do they perform? The problem is that you have all these opinions and we could hop from one individual to another and each professional will have a differing opinion. And if we need meds we will have to see a psychiatrist. This all leads to more visits, more money, and no definitive answers. The issue is his behaviors are a problem but academically he is doing fine, therefore he isn't qualifying for services. And half the "professionals" we see don't appear to be definitive in their diagnosis. It's just a long process.