We noticed DSs memory very early. I felt like he remembered events or stories by 6 months. One time at around 18 months in mid winter he he searched at someone's house for a garden hose he had last seen at under 1, wanted to play in the water. He was still barely speaking but clearly had been recording events nonetheless. I know other perfectly bright infants or toddlers that could remember something all day but forget it by the next, shape names etc. Tell ds something once, maybe twice, it's always there. The memory really made a difference to how ds appeared to others then and now. he just accumulated world experience so effectively he had experienced double or more life events. He is pg according to the Wisc in all but processing speed but I don't think he would have stood out to others early on so much without the working and long term memory. I still don't really see his nonverbal type abilities, maybe more what his interests are or aren't that is driving what's visible.