I was looking to get some feedback here...Obviously there is a correlation between early milestones and giftedness - what I was wondering though, is if there is a correlation between particular early abilities and particular levels of giftedness. For example...does the kid who reads super early, had an interest in chemistry at 3 more likely to be PG than the kid who makes up stories and had really good fine motor? (mind you I just made those up).

I have a gifted DS3.5...he hasn't been tested yet, so I have NO idea about his 'level'...besides doing the Ruf test thingie online (he was a level 4...though he didn't talk till he was 2 and I don't know how much that throws things off, or even how accurate that test is) - sometimes I think I'm dealing with extreme giftedness, other days I think I'm deluding myself (not sure this will ever go away, haha) but I just think it would be nice to KNOW more about where he falls on the giftedness spectrum...at least somewhat, for decisions about schooling etc etc.

I guess I was looking for some real life experiences...parents with two kids with differing levels of giftedness, did you see a marked difference (or any difference at all) in the their early abilities?
