Originally Posted by Irena
The only thing that kind-of bugs me is that I have to pay tutoring charges and the school will get the credit anyway for the standardized test scores. (Speaking of that, and as an aside, I was thinking about all of the afterschooling/tutoring that goes in this district and the immigrant populations must have recognized right away the math was deficient b/c they all get their kids tutored in math, too; and, then, the school's state scores are "high!" But are they high b/c the school does a good job? I am not so sure - I think they are high b/c all of the people in this district have the means to get their kids taught properly when the school can't or won't. Everyday math, envision math, whatever - it doesn't matter b/c the majority of the kids in this district will learn math and score pretty well b/c none of these parents are gonna let their just 'get by' ykwim? anyway, just a digression).
Many agree this is a huge issue. Based upon a number of families paying for tutors, students score highly on standardized tests... teachers receive raises/bonuses for their supposed efficacy... district high schools receive high national ratings... then parents are asked to pay more in property taxes for the privilege of living in a high-performing district.

Kids without tutors may spend hours on homework, the old-fashioned way. On the positive side, they may develop grit. smile

New families unaware of what is driving the success of the district may move in or open-enroll to partake of the "excellence" and wonder why their kids cannot keep up.