My older son actually qualified for gifted under the state program for disadvantaged children...he is 2e and his achievement scores are just fine but I believe his RIAS score was a bit suppress by his anxiety/Asperger's...he will be getting a WISC but is on the waiting list at the university. He was just under the cut for gifted but because his dad is a school teacher and his pitiful salary makes us qualify for reduced lunch so he qualified for gifted services...he is the least disadvantaged kid I know. All of his teachers (out of his earshot or in email) will comment on his depth of understanding, his giftedness, the way he connects concepts, sometimes he is the only one chuckling at a teacher's joke because he is the only one who got it. He isn't just a high achiever he truly is gifted, he just wasn't tested correctly. But I am glad they qualified he under the disadvantaged program. I wouldn't make him get additional testing if we didn't need some other testing that the university is going to do and it is just part of the package.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary