Absolutely, Dude.

We've weathered acts of God and the usual wear and tear of daily life extraordinarily well relative to most people.

Where we don't always manage things well/healthily is:

a) areas where control is minimal/illusory (and this is where "special needs parenting" comes into play in a BIG way); we're avid planners, strategists, and detail-oriented people to the core. "Accidents" don't tend to happen to us at the same rate that they do to others-- because we see things coming a LONG way off... but oooooo, when truly unavoidable stuff DOES happen, it's a 7+ on the Richter scale in this household.

b) that emotional intensity-- however, with that said, we at least UNDERSTAND emotional intensity and are compassionate with one another over it.

We definitely divide labor by ability. Which is why the male member of our team is the breadwinner-- because the hard reality is that it is STILL the case that we get the most household bang for the buck there. Waste of energy to pretend otherwise, basically. Also true that while neither one of us is well suited to full time parenting, I'm better at it given that my DD is mini-me. Least-worst. I'm better suited to hard-line and tactical advocacy, too, which has been a bonus. DH goes to "Bull in China Shop" much quicker than I do. I've also taken on all of our (complex) medical as a household-- because my background better suits me to that task.

We're sort of ruthless in our ability to determine the solutions for us as a couple. Not unemotional, of course... but pragmatic in spite of it, I'd say. We're extremely self-sufficient because of our variety of strengths. I'm not sure if that is common among GT-GT partnerships, but I suspect that it is. I recall my grandparents were like this, too. They lived through some VERY hard things, but were tough as nails-- together. They, too, fought like a pair of caged tigers, but that was their "method" somehow, much like it can be with my DH and I.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.