Years ago I enjoyed a book by Dr. Jeffry Larson called Should We Stay Together. It was a culmination of 40 years of social science research and the author's clinical practice. It's rather an interesting look at the factors that are increase or decrease the likelihood of divorce for those considering marriage.

It does not offer a look at giftedness specifically as a factor. There are however many factors that may be related concepts. For example, pursuing education makes it less likely that a woman might marry before age 20 (a factor which doubles the likelihood of divorce).

As illustrated by the SAHM discussion above, having congruent views on roles within the relationship is another factor which influences marriage success (defined here as not ending in divorce). Similarities of religion and other core beliefs are impacts as well.

The book spends some time debunking the idea that we Americans often cling to that love is the only necessary ingredient to a successful marriage and that it can supercede any challenge. The research and divorce rates in our country do not bear this idea out.

Wish I had time to type more but have to run.