Both my DH and I are HG+. Our areas of interest are dramatically different, I'm a literature, history, art buff and he is purely 21st century technology, engineering and finance.

Sometimes I really long for a partner who could discuss literature at my level and really get into it. I don't currently have anyone in my life I can do that with, but we do have some pretty awesome political discussions and we both love music, especially opera, so we do have some common ground. I don't think I could be married to someone who wasn't at minimum my intellectual equal. That's my very personal opinion.

I am a SAHM. When I quit working we were making about the same. Now my DH is making more than twice as much as he was then, I do think partly because he has good support at home. I see it as a team effort. If the powers that be see him as someone who is always "on," then he's going to be a more valuable employee. My economic contribution to our family is to ensure that he can do that. He does not worry about laundry or dishes or meals, but sometimes works from home well into the night. I feel that my "domestic" contributions are extremely important to the economic well-being of our family.

If he had to be on-call for sick children there is no way he would have the career that he does. My former career would not have allowed for that either. If we were both still working, our kids would be suffering because both of our careers were demanding of our time and energy.

I do not feel any shame in being an intellectual, educated woman who stays home to make sure that the gaps in her children's education are filled and that her husband has all the support he needs to have the career he dreams of.