Originally Posted by Ametrine
... DS' unique "quirks"... how those idiosyncrasies will cause difficulties for him in a relationship... if he married a gifted woman, if those same qualities would cause him more or less grief. What is your opinion/observation of relationships in which gifted individuals are with gifted, versus with non-gifted?
Interestingly, the article frequently mentions life satisfaction, alongside marital satisfaction. smile

Like pbear, I can't say anything definitive about gifted relationships observed, but there are resources which help develop both the gifted individual and an individual's preparation for a lasting relationship.

On the gifted side, there are books like The Gifted Adult, by Mary-Elaine Jacobsen. Duke TIP has an article by the author, titled "If Only I Had Known: Lessons from Gifted Adults" (link).

On the relationship side, there are books like the little vintage mini-book, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, which poses seven simple but thought-provoking questions - none of which touch upon IQ.