Originally Posted by JonLaw
Originally Posted by Irena
SO I realized there may be quite a lot of "cultural" bias in those IQ tests!

The problem being, of course, that in order to properly answer the question you have to understand what the question is talking about in the first place.

We've made quite the game of this now with our 14yo-- introducing her to all manner of offensive/biased/appalling slang and cultural references.

She finally knows that an a-shirt isn't really called that by most people, for example, and that "It puts its shoes in the basket" had a lot more to do with parental frustration than helpful scaffolding.

I mean, I kind of think that Silence of the Lambs questions are likely to be few and far between. But we want her to be fully prepared. {ahem}

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.