ok- for all of you with 2E experience, here are subtest scores. Full report included notes on dysgraphia (but further testing needed for diagnosis... we only did WISC-IV) The take on inattentive/ ADHD-like behavior history was inconclusive. The Dr. didn't think his testing behavior really raised flags- but my DS said later.... "were all those interesting things in the office a test? I tried really hard to focus." Once again- he is easily distracted but has enough desire to please adults that he tries REALLY hard to control his distraction. He is always reading, very verbal, always "perched" on a chair or standing when he is doing things that require him to stay in one place. Really struggles with memorizing math facts- but yet could rattle off tons of abscure dinosaur names or fold you some beautiful origami from memory. We have always "thought" mild ADHD because of his high energy, impulsivness, and trouble staying on task with "non-prefered" activities. However, if medication is the last thing on our list of possible interventions (he is an amazing swimmer and we wouldn't want that to impact his future growth in any way), then will digging deeper to evaluate ADHD have a positive yield?

Here are the subtest-
Sim: 17
Com: 16
Block: 17
Picture: 13
Matrix: 16
Digit: 9
Letter: 9
Arith: 11
Coding: 7
Symbol: 11