Originally Posted by blackcat
The OT is trying to get us to go to a developmental optometrist, saying she can hook him up to a computer to see how his eyes are tracking. My DS had a brain injury and skull fractures on Dec. 31st that paralyzed a cranial nerve and caused one eye to be "stuck" for several months and we're not sure if it's completely normal now or not. Since he reads so fast and fluently and his eyes appear to be tracking together, the neuro-opthamologist thinks his eyes are fine. But the OT is completely unconvinced.

The developmental optometrist testing was very helpful for us. FWIW, our DS6 had 20/20 vision and was tested as >12.9 grade equivalent for reading on the WISC yet he has tons of eye issues with tracking, accommodation, and teaming. (He also scores in the 2nd% on the Beery VMI which reflects both his visual and motor challenges.) So really great reading skills CAN co-exist with vision challenges in children with high IQs.