Yeah, one of the best IEP meeting moments I had happened at the last iep with my DS's WISC scores. We were adding gifted services and also just reviewing accommodations and discussing with his new teachers how and why DS really needs his accommodations and the principal (whom I have had one hell of a battle with last year) said "see how some of these subtests in the verbal section are so high and yet look at these tests in the processing index some of them are in the single digits" I am paraphrasing but in was in the context of 'look here is a really smart bright kid but look at how incredibly difficult it is for him to show us via traditional methods (like handwriting)' It felt like he really got it - got the full picture, i.e., he is gifted AND learning disabled - it is possible.

Last edited by Irena; 10/30/13 02:57 PM.