Originally Posted by elsie
polarbear - yes, we finally have the written report with scores. Diagnoses are ADHD and Developmental Coordination Disorder. The latter sounded very odd to me (and surprising as it did not come up in our meeting). The neuropsych says she codes fine motor deficits this way to increase the chance services will be covered.

Thanks for posting the scores elsie - I don't have time to look at them right now but will take a look tonight. My ds also has the "Developmental Coordination Disorder" diagnosis and fine motor deficits related to it. DCD is also frequently referred to as "Dyspraxia" so if you are interested, you can google Dyspraxia + Symptoms etc and possibly see if any of it sounds like your ds. Be forewarned - dysgpraxia (DCD) impacts people in *many* different ways and in a wide variety of degrees - so you'll most likely find long check-lists and will only be checking off a few symptoms. It has been interesting for us, however, to watch that list of DCD symptoms over the years, because there were things going on with our ds related to DCD that weren't obvious until he matured a bit. Other things got better over time too.

I also wanted to say - those are awesome WJ-III Achievement scores for a kid who was supposedly jumping all over the couches and not relating to the neuropsych!

More later,
