Other assessments:

BASC - clinically significant for hyperactivity, anxiety, withdrawal, adaptability

Conners' Rating Scale - significant for Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity

Gilliam Asperger's Disorder Scale
Overall <1%
Social interaction <1%
Restricted patterns of behavior <1%
Pragmatic language skills <1%
Rigid cognitive patterns 5%

Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement, normed for grade 2.0, grade equivalent/percentile:

Brief Achievement 3.8, 97%

Broad Reading 4.7, 97%
Broad Math 3.3, 96%
Brief Reading 4.5, 96%
Basic Reading Skills 4.4, 94%
Brief Math 3.4, 96%
Math Calc Skills 2.9, 90%
Brief Writing 2.6, 76%

Academic Skills 3.5, 96%
Academic Apps 3.6, 95%

Letter-Word Identification 4.9, 97%
Reading Fluency 5.4, 98%
Calculation 2.9, 92%
Math Fluency 2.9, 85%
Spelling 2.5, 74%
Passage Comprehension 3.8, 91%
Applied Problems 3.8, 97%
Writing Samples 2.9, 77%
Word Attack 3.7, 83%

He was extremely uncooperative during the Woodcock-Johnson - some of the specifics are funny if I'm in the right mood. Somewhat more cooperative during the other assessments.