geofizz - we do trust the current teacher and are scheduled to meet with her in a couple of weeks. We'll definitely ask her thoughts on the biggest challenges. Both parents are now working from home and I've cut my hours which allows an earlier dinner and bedtime, more freeform running on the playground, more downtime with parents after school while DD4 is in preschool.

DeeDee, "deliberate sabotage" is really fascinating. I will read up on ABA (thanks for the link, Portia) and think about when/how to sabotage, without, say, triggering a meltdown right before he has to head off to school. I do now have an excellent anxiety specialist (for myself!) who will give me recommendations when we are ready to look at CBT again.

blackcat - I believe no computerized testing. She administered the Woodcock-Johnson and a number of different tests from the NEPSY. We filled out inventories for ADHD, Asperger's (which came in very low, I believe below the first percentile) and the BASC. No teacher questionnaire as most of the testing was actually completed before the school year started. She suggested following up with a teacher questionnaire and/or classroom observation in late fall - but I am highly nervous about putting her in touch with the teacher given her strong negative feelings about DS. Quite honestly, I am also not inclined to pay her any more money or continue the relationship beyond the report and school letter we have already commissioned.

Taking a deep breath. Of all the professionals involved, I think the neurologist (not neuropsych) and OT had the best connection with DS, and their recommendations are close to what we are now doing. We are having a good school year and I can table the recommendations for vision therapy and medication long enough to see where the current interventions seem to be taking us.