I am following this thread with keen interest. DD4 has known all her letter sounds for a year now. Not sure how she learnt them as we do not allow screen time expect 1/2 hour a week on PBS and we have not done flash cards or anything like that. She might have picked them up at her Montessori preschool she attended from age 3-4, even though her teacher there was equally surprised that DD knew all the sounds. She can read phonetic words. She has been spelling phonetically and writing for about an year now as well. However, she has shown no interest in taking it any further and reading books. She claims that the easy readers like BOB and Biscuit books are too boring and the interesting books are too hard. So, for now,I just read to her. (I am reading Adventures of Alice in Wonderland to her now and she loves the book). I am hoping she just picks up a good book one day and starts to read. Not sure how much longer that is going to take. In fact, she fails to recognize even simple words that she has read a million times and reads it phonetically every.single.time. Something just hasn't clicked yet but hopefully, when it clicks, it will progress quickly. In the homeschool, I have moveable alphabets, what's a Gnu, and word tiles for sentence building for her use. She loves the game where I put about 6-8 different objects in a bowl, spell the object names on a rug using moveable alphabets and she then matches the words and the objects. Since she can usually match without having to read the whole word, she feels good about it. She still gets to see how longer words like triangle or binoculars look.