My boys both made their own books...lots of paper, markers, crayons, stickers, stamps, staplers, construction paper...and they used writing as a way to learn how to read.

One of my boys would pick a category and make a book on that category...Toys or Animals or Vehicles for example might have been the topic...then he would draw (or sometimes ask me to draw a specific item for him to color in), color, then yell from the other room where he was working "how do you spell _______?" for the hard ones like coyote or jaguar but he would work out easy ones for him self. Then he would read his book to me and then show it off to his dad and read it to him.

Later on I would make story books using a story of something that happened to him and he would illustrate it (or we might illustrate it together). He loved those because they were actual stories with him as the main character and we made them really silly and exaggerated. I remember one about a camping trip and how he, his brother, and dad came home dirty and one about how his dad went to work with his one pair of shoes in the car and he had to wear an old pair of his brother's shoes to preschool that looked like clown shoes until I could get his shoes out of my husband's car at work and bring them to him. He loved that one.

Last edited by Sweetie; 10/22/13 05:53 AM.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary