So, we just had our parent-teacher conference with DS5's K teacher. She is working as hard as she can to differentiate for him in the classroom. But she was basically quite blunt, while also being a lovely, sweet young teacher. What she said was, "He doesn't need to be in kindergarten." I basically found myself politely arguing with her about why we think he should be in K (we had not been looking for a skip).

At the same time, she made it clear that we have little hope of a skip due to the principal at this school. Note that I barely know the principal, so I can't really say anything one way or the other. But it was obvious that she believed it would be nearly impossible. She has also obviously been talking to many other teachers about him, as their opinions were discussed as well.

We have really hesitated over a skip because, as I have said elsewhere, that would mean he would enter the gifted magnet next year, where expectations are quite high. This teacher does not really know what things are like at the magnet because she teaches gen education kids. But she is making it very clear that she feels he does not belong in his assigned grade.

She IS working to send him to 1st for some of the day. Apparently this is not going to be easy, but she feels he needs it. She warned me that the admin does not want to do this and told me we needed to push for it, so I have sent my email. We will see.

I don't know what I am asking for here. I feel a little sad and confused. Basically I have felt like things were okay because this teacher is so great and is trying so hard. (She is buying stuff out of her own pocket for DS!) DS is not unhappy, although we do hear the occasional complaint. But the take-home seemed to be, "This is not enough. He shouldn't be here. But there is no solution that I can really see."

Note--I have no IQ or achievement numbers for DS.

Last edited by ultramarina; 11/12/13 07:59 PM.