Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by master of none
At 6, he is still young enough that the focus should be on his feelings, his comfort with the school day, his emotional health and the effect of the school environment on his health.
If a person wanted to present this at a meeting, is there an authoritative source or article which discusses this?
indigo, I don't know of any authoritative source, but we were often advised to bring these issues up by our advocate as very real issues illustrating that lack of accommodations for his disability at school was impacting his quality of life. Our advocate was able to point us to a small bit of specific wording in our state's SPED policy which addressed this too. It's too many years past for me to remember how to find the verbage, and it was state-dependent, but I think there are also references to this at www.wrightslaw.org
Thanks, the wrightslaw website is large with many links... not finding material regarding the focus of school for a 6-year-old... Do you have a link to the specific page?