Originally Posted by Loy58
Originally Posted by frannieandejsmom
Originally Posted by blackcat
I hate our district. Probably won't find out how DD did anytime soon either--if they even bother to give the scores to parents it's usually weeks later.

For NWEA MAP .. the score pops up on the screen at the end. Just ask your dd to write down the number!

Our kids used to get the score pop up, too. This fall, however, for some reason, our district decided NOT to have the score pop up...so no one knows how they did until October. Since this is rather important for my DD (2 of the 4 criteria to make it into the G&T pool - not the program), this REALLY seems like a long wait. Again, it all depends upon how your schools use the scores - the anxiety for some is that the schools REALLY do make major decisions on the curriculum/programing using the scores, so it would be nice to have them sooner rather than later. Also, last year, the school chose not to share the MAP scores with parents unless you requested and had a meeting with the principal - so if your 6-7 year-old could not remember what flashed on the screen, you did not have a score.

That's ridiculous you have to have a meeting with the principal? School districts should make all testing results easily available to parents, not make it a big mystery. Last school year I didn't find out her winter score until 2 months later at conferences in the middle of March. If they do that again this year, it's going to be too late to even use those winter scores to apply to GATE.
I need to make a decision about whether to keep the kids in the district, move them somewhere else, change schools, etc. Their current school is terrible so I at least need to get them in a different school in the district, if not out of the district altogether. But everything hinges on GATE and the tests (CogAT and Performance Series). If they don't report the winter scores right away I'm going to have to get the info out of the teacher. I feel like a lunatic obsessing about these scores but they are so rigid about them and how they use them to make placement decisions.