I think Performance Series gives a score at the end too. The first test she took was reading (a couple days after school started) and she actually remembered that her score was a four digit number and started with a 27, even though I didn't ask her to try to remember. I obsessively looked this up trying to figure out what percentile this might be and it could be anywhere from the 96th percentile to 99th. Arghh. I said "That's great you looked at your score--see if you can remember your math score when you do the math test. We'll see if it went up from your last score." So of course, she had absolutely no recollection later that day, so I have no idea. She's in third grade and said there was addition with exponents on the test as well as long division with decimals, and those things popped up shortly after she started on the first day, so I assume she made it pretty far (and she was distressed she had no idea how to do these things and couldn't understand why the other kids in the class, who were probably answering questions like 25-15, seemed to whip through the test quickly!). Next time I'll ask her to write down the score, but I don't want the teacher to think I'm a fruitcake! I don't think she's even aware of what the district requires in terms of GATE for 4th grade so in her mind, the test probably doesn't matter.