I posted above about DD needing to take math. Apparently she was one of a few who didn't finish the test so the teacher told them they could finish it the next day. Next day she and the other few took it while the rest of the kids went to music. Of course no one wants to sit around and take a test when they could be at music. I think DD stuck around and did her best and was the very last to finish (she said some kids rushed through it) but it just goes to show these tests are not necessarily an accurate representation of their abilities. How dumb of them to make kids test when the rest are doing something fun. I also don't think they give any feedback to the kids on how they did, so there is no motivation for them to do well, either. Yet, they base important decisions, like who gets to be in the gifted program, based almost exclusively on these tests (like i said they have to be in the 98th-99th percentile). I hate our district. Probably won't find out how DD did anytime soon either--if they even bother to give the scores to parents it's usually weeks later.