Originally Posted by mountainmom2011
I'm guessing they use the MAPS results to determine her level of instruction in subjects. I really don't know. I just feel that when I get the results I'm going to wonder if they are a true representation of her. I'm a worrier, I know.

The good thing though, no matter what she scores on this MAP test - is that it's not the only data point you have on your dd. You'll have the work she's done in school all year, classroom tests if they give them, etc. So if for some reason she gets placed lower than you think she needs to be and it's due to this particular MAPS score being low - you can advocate past it. You will know there was a reason that perhaps the score won't be representative of what she knows. You'll have her classwork etc. You can request additional testing if there is still a concern. This test is just one data point in a world full of data points smile

I hope she won't be affected though and you won't have to worry about any of that!

Best wishes,
