Oh, I was permanently scarred by having pigs as a child. What my parents were thinking by having me there when the farm-kill people came out to-- er-- uhh, make sausage-- I can't fathom, knowing how sensitive and empathetic toward animals I am and was even then. I was seven, and I have never forgotten the screaming of the pigs at the intrusion by someone unfamiliar. frown It was awful. It is a terrible thing that pigs are so tasty. <-- yes, this is me, being paradoxical and idiosyncratic in my worldview-- don't judge me. wink

But as someone else noted above-- it was really CHARLOTTE that was the problem for me personally in CW.

I also sobbed with Little Women... and DOBBY in HP7... ohhhhmyyyygoshhhhh. I cried for Snape, too. And I was a good deal older than 7. wink

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.