I feel you on the 20 minute lunch, as probably most of us that have public school attendees do!

That being said...

I know it can be hard for schools to work schedules out for everyone. We have also dealt with this issue - one of the reasons our school told us DD can't go to a higher grade for certain subjects is because of scheduling. Of course we feel like they could probably make it work....somehow.

You mentioned your DD now spends most of her day in the G/T pull-out - is this entirely for math, how long is the pull-out, and how many days a week? I'm pretty sure one of the rules of my DD's pull-out is that she doesn't have to make up what she misses from the regular classroom. Now there have been times she has done the missed work anyway, but she doesn't have to.

How flexible is your G/T teacher's schedule? Maybe she could rearrange her time to allow your DD to at least catch the beginning or tail end of SS. If the pull-out is every day, could she skip one day a week to give your DD some time in the regular classroom with the other subjects?

If the G/T pull-out is a substantial amount of time, could they work on some other subjects while she is there?

Just throwing out some ideas....good luck!