I've been back over this thread and few others in anticipation of our big meeting tomorrow. DS7 was subject accelerated once a week last year. The school went back and forth and has finally decided to not to continue to accelerate him. They got a fancy new fangled differentiation program for the whole school and no one needs acceleration anymore! So, DS7 will effectively be held back by a few years and stay with his classmates but the differentiation will be so awesome he won't even notice a thing!

Sorry for the sarcasm. Anyway, DH and I have a well researched plan in place to counter the school's backtracking. Part of our problem is that I didn't realize soon enough, last year, that the school was just blowing smoke and nothing was going to happen. So, I didn't get to look around at other schools until a month ago. I did find a good private montessori that claims to provide all the acceleration we need, but I'm not really sure about it. I feel like I need more time.

I guess I'm writing just to thank everyone for contributing to this and other advocacy threads. Wish us luck. Hopefully I won't cry at this meeting tomorrow.