Master of none, way to go. It's great news that you've gotten your relative the necessary services. I'm also finding that these skills transfer. At the moment, I'm using them daily with contractors as we do a house renovation! Everyone's a professional. Everyone has certain constraints that tie their hands. Everyone wants to do the right thing. It's helping. Or so I tell myself. wink

Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
nothing will be improved if you honestly believe your situation to be inherently and irretrievably "adversarial" with your child's school-- regardless of whether or not it seems true.

Yes, well stated.

I must admit, when I started with the "burn no bridges" matra, I did not honestly believe that the staff had my child's best interest at heart. I have, however, learned to view the staff as having my child's best interest at heart. Maybe I'm deluding myself, but it really does feel as though that my attitude has made it so.

Hard data, as others have mentioned, have certainly greased the wheels.