I have a suggestion for you--


Do you have a patio door or very large window?

This is a genius thing for homeschooling families. The sheer novelty of it is a wonderful tool.

RE: Minecraft, I have no great advice, I am afraid. The only conclusions to such things that I have in our history would not make either one of you happy to hear. My DD has only now developed any ability to self-regulate this kind of thing and not have it take over her life. She's 14.

I had to completely shut down accounts and forbid ANY further access for-- Webkinz, Club Penguin, Pokemon (oh my goodness is there a lot of this stuff out there), and-- something--else... I even had to install K9 and keep visual contact with her while she was on the computer 100% of the time during the years when she was 6-11yo. shocked It. was. BAD.

So I issue that cautionary tale. Obsession at that level is-- pretty much insurmountable with this personality type, because they defy your legitimate authority to actually regulate them on it. {sigh}

I'd try full withdrawal "until we can both get the hang of homeschool" and NOT supply him with criteria for what that means. Supply OTHER activities and allow free choice of OTHER things, by all means... just.not.that.

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 08/23/13 06:58 PM.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.