I agree. If this were a medical condition, would the teacher also expect the child to need to "ask" for his/her monitoring/medication in order to receive it?

(Nevermind, actually... some teachers actually DO expect just that... )

In any even, not really developmentally appropriate for a 6yo to "take charge of his/her education" like this.

There is a trend now in educational theory that holds that students need to become engaged and empowered to "own" their education...

and that no age is too young to do this, apparently. I'm obviously not in favor of that because I think that it flatly ignores developmental barriers, and because I think it is a result of correlation fallacy, writ large.

But in any case, it also only seems to be applied to kids whose needs are difficult to actually meet in the standard classroom setting. The kids who fit into the regular menu of offerings get what they need, and the rest get "empowerment" to DIY, I guess.

Something to be aware of.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.