Thanks for everyone's responses, I really appreciate it smile

I am beginning to think the bullying is directed at me. Today I received my son's report card for the year, they were awesome results all round. Even in the section of socialising he received top marks. Her personal comments were also accurate- it's like another teacher wrote it. I'm thinking she says these things to me to "teach me a lesson" about interfering in her work. However, I am happy with the report, and I don't see how my son could possibly be denied grade skipping with all the A's, plus the great social marks.

My son is on holidays for two weeks as of this weekend, so he is feeling better. It's only 20 weeks... Then, hopefully, he can move on to where he needs to be. Otherwise, as he does not want to be homeschooled, I will have to find another school.

I think she is just lazy, rather than a bully. She is, like, 60 years old.