Yes, I agree. I definitely teach my son to be assertive- and he is with peers and adults. I suppose because it is a teacher, I am cautious to not have my son being appearingly disrespectful. The teacher is not a horrible person, just an old, old-fashioned person. I am very wary of these life lessons and I don't want to teach my son to tolerate bullies; but I feel stuck. My state is very intolerable to giftedness, but this school is great for the gifted- once they're in grade three. It's just this one teacher...

My son is such a lovely, little pleasant person that it just kills me to hear her say these things. His previous teacher described him as a "perfect student"- why is his current teacher being so unreasonable?? Why is she trying to destroy his love of learning? She can see his decline since being in her class, yet is still trying to put the blame on him. I don't understand how a.grown woman can act like this.

Last edited by squishys; 07/04/13 11:29 AM.