Originally Posted by Mk13
oh, this actually just brought some memories back from this past year of DS4.10 in preschool. I ended up asking his teacher to STOP telling him it's ok to cry! The story was, he'd suddenly start crying over every little thing. And I mean EVERYTHING! When I asked why, the answer was "the teacher told me that crying makes you feel better!" Except in our case it completely misfired! He was already sensitive before this and ended up being a basket case. To add to the whole disaster, DS3.3 is seriously allergic to his brother's crying, whining, complaining. He'll freak out, he'll start crying hysterically because he really picks up on his emotions and in the end, the younger one will run to the older one and smack him on top of his head to make him stop crying! Those were some disastrous 4 weeks before we got it somewhat under control! So, now I have a deal with DS4.10 that he only cries when he's actually hurt so we know something really IS wrong and when he needs to feel better he'll ask for a hug! lol

Oh dear. That's the other side of things, I suppose. smile