I love my "job". I'm a SAHM. I have managed to find friends who I would categorize as gifted as well, with whom I have deep enlightening conversations that, I will admit, usually start with how to educate our kids, but often end up with how we are going to solve world problems, ha. A lot of the moms of kids in our GT program are, surprise, gifted themselves. smile

I worked in banking before kids. I worked for one of the biggest banking operations in the world, and although I didn't much enjoy my personal career (I'm an introvert and it was a high pressure environment with lots of interpersonal interaction), I worked with people on a high intellectual level who were also motivated. It was a stimulating environment and a lot of fun. I loved having an excuse to immerse myself in all the latest political and business news.

Now that I'm home with the kids, though, I wouldn't go back. I do struggle with dealing with the PTA moms, Cub Scouts, and etc. The competition and politics are much worse and more annoying than in the corporate world.