In terms of options-- given what you've said and what I know about class sizes in some CA-- well, really, 'west coast'-- districts--

be aware that state charter school law means that you only have access to virtual charters in some districts within the state. If you want that option, you will need to know which districts they are, and make sure that you're in-district.

You might be able to get an OOD placement, but I really, really wouldn't count on it. Those seem to be extremely rare on the entire west coast.

I mention that because if you run into a particularly refractory local administration, it may be the only way to get acceleration. GT/GATE/TAG programs typically don't begin until 3rd-5th grades out here-- barring the larger magnet programs in LA and Seattle, I mean. The rest of us basically have to do what we can with individual advocacy and piecemeal approaches.

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 06/10/13 08:15 AM.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.