Thanks for the replies. Val, KnittingMama, thanks very much. I will take you up on the offer to PM, once we definitely decide to move. I am quite nervous, about the possible move, and all that it entails.

kcab, you are right. My kid is currently in K; so he will be entering first grade in the fall. Val, that is good to know about private schools, but I am a little hesitant considering a potential 2E kind of situation. Also, it will be a stretch financially, so it is something to consider as well.

But one principal did imply that I wasn't letting my kid be a kid after he told me he'd never done a grade skip in 20 years and never would.

This does not sound good.

Our school fundraising is pretty non-pressured; I've had friends in other districts tell me they're *expected* to donate many hundreds of dollars to the school. Here, we can hope for it, but certainly don't expect it (or make public knowledge who donated).

This is how it is, over here. Yes, fund raisers are held, but it is not mandatory, nor does anyone know who contributes, how much etc.

I also meant to ask this -- if I show the school district the testing results, and how it compares to the rest of the K class or the 1st grade class (achievement test scores, for example or assessments performed independently by our current school), would they differentiate for strengths and accommodate for any 2E scenarios? Or, would it be going back to scratch -- requesting an evaluation and getting a new set of tests done ?

My other challenge is getting any sort of accommodations (if attention issues are found). My kid does do a whole lot better in quieter (and small group) environments, as compared to a large group (though his coping skills, even in large groups, is getting marginally better). Would you mention this to the new teachers, if you were in my place ? Or, would you wait for them to gauge for themselves ? For our current school, we did the evaluation based on his preschool teachers' feedback (we knew he was advanced, but they said something else was also going on. His K teacher thinks it is attention issues).

Thanks for all the information and suggestions. Very helpful.