Okay, we'll say that many or most teachers work a full week.

Even so, they still work ~75% of the days that other people work; if they choose to work for no pay, that's their choice. I do this, my husband does this, my friends do it, so there's nothing uncommon there. Lots of people work on the weekend, and some even work during vaccation (read email/reply to it, etc.).

This means if they got paid the same hourly rate for working 245 days a year, teachers around here would be getting $100,000. This is simply not underpaid in any sense of the word for that job. It's not even underpaid for a mid-range software engineer, which is a high-paying job. And the average in the whole state of California would be ~$91K. Again, this is good money, and their hourly rate is very good.

Yet our public schools in this state are bottom-performers.

How much more money do California teachers need before they'll decide it's enough, if a $90-100K equivalent isn't?

Last edited by Val; 05/23/13 02:41 PM. Reason: Clarity