Dude. I agree that SES plays a huge role, (Even biblically it says 6 generations) so I still can still blame my parents. I do agree with the effect SES plays on children, opportunities and education, both from the family and provided by the family. I am not sure about the government's role in shaping this, perhaps more for the bad then for the good. I am trying to avoid absolutes, because they all tend to lead in the wrong direction. I still see a good portion of people that look to the government for answers, rather then to themselves. When I speak with the WWII generation it's very different then mine or my children's, I believe they where more independent and looked to make things on their own. It all may be cycletic (is this a real word, darn High School education), I don't get to speak to people from the civil war. I do believe that if equal opportunity should not mean equal results. The so called war on poverty will not be won, through re-distribution, nor will it be won by every man for himself. It can't be won, the yard stick can only be moved. A funny side note about wealth, most wealthy people I know say it's harder to keep money then to make it. I agree with Howler, it's not so easy to quatify merotocracy given Human Nature, and how we define things. Jon, in regards to the World Economy, it's above my pay grade. I just try to make a difference where I can, when I can.