Hi Dude, Not sure I can play well on this topic, to many people see money as evil. I believe that if you have earned your money (Or been even given it, or won it) most people have placed the effort needed to earn it, and/or taken the risk needed to gain it that others have not. If I can afford to send my kids to an exclusive school, I should be able to. Many believe it is unfair that their kids cannot go. I disagree, it’s not about fairness. Their seems to be a belief that because others have its unfair to those that don't, I don't agree with that. You would think by my belief system, I am one who has, I don't. I have not been willing to pay the price in time or in risk to get in a better situation. Our son is currently not in the best fit school for him because I cannot afford to move into the area of the school. I do not see this as an issue of others having, and I deserve what they have. People who have taken the risks and sacrificed deserve what money can purchase. If you are referring to undue influence, arguing against human nature would be difficult, and who defines undue influence anyway?