Pictographs work so well with DS that we often have to avoid them... The classic example is the bathroom ones, which always leave out wiping your bottom. Cue the tantrum: "It doesn't say to do that!!!!!!" He started tantrumming when I didn't use the seat-belt on change tables when he was about 13mos... but only on change tables with the pictographs. Oh, and did I ever mention I did complex text -> pictograph translations* for years before I left to have kids? Wez be picture people here. DH will tell you he's not a good drawer, but it's because he tries to draft everything, and hasn't had enough drafting classes to keep up with himself.

DH surprised me, and one person has now been told. It went well from his perspective, and poorly from mine... the person basically ignored the information and focused on the cognitive stuff. Meh. Next on the list is the couple who will have custody in case of yadda-yadda. She works tangentially with kids with ASD, and her SO is a total sweety as well, so I doubt problems there, though they may have more questions than DH is comfortable with.

Thanks guys, as per usual! I'll keep checking in here smile

*think: pictographs to explain changing the wording of a corporate by-law -- it was truly amusing at times

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!