I should add to my earlier post that while with DS3.2 we have shared the diagnosis with quite a lot of people around us, though we always emphasize that it is not a final diagnosis yet, we haven't really shared our DS4.9's PDD-NOS diagnosis with anyone but a very few close friends and family. A lot of our friends' kids are so out of control that DS4.9 seems to be the well behaved well spoken child. So there really is no need to share that info. I still wish I hadn't even shared the info with the school but it was our only way to get him into special ed preschool so we had no other choice at that point but now it's more of a road block than anything else. But the younger one is just too different in many ways and with our friends knowing more about his needs, they coach their children a little as to how to interact with DS so he doesn't feel overwhelmed and feels more comfortable (not getting into his face to check out his toys and things like that)