DH is uncomfortable telling people, especially his family, about DS's ASD diagnosis. I think it's important we do (D'uh, but especially because I think it might give us an excuse to make some firm rules about stuff like not changing plans 12 times or comparing certain behaviors to other kids').

I'm looking for some Useful Things To Say to make him feel better. I suggested he read some of Temple Grandin's stuff, because he seems really focused the "d" word, and I think having a sense that people with ASD don't always see themselves as broken would help. I'd happily point him at some online reading if anyone has suggestions. Good ways to present the information might make him feel better too. My tendency is to drop it like a nuke, and sort the mess out later, which is not his style, and probably for good reason.

(He actually has mild ASD himself, but I don't think he's really digested that little detail. So do I, for that matter, but I "pass" well, I think he thinks I'm an exception too, but DS's symptoms are significantly less than mine at similar ages. Sigh.)

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!