I know what I love about being gifted, and this is how I explain it to my daughter. It doesn't guarantee wealth or success, but it is an almost automatic ticket to the "smart, interesting people club." I have an awesome group of mom friends and old college friends, and friends from other places, and my daughter likes them and knows them, and sees how much I enjoy them and what they mean to me. And we explain that dad and I met because we were both in this same club. My husband is a dr., and his colleagues and college friends also tend to be smart, interesting people. We are talking about adults who are teachers, doctors, writers, theater directors, lawyers who are forging their own quirky professional path, social workers who also flip houses on the side, Jungian analysts, lawyers who work in human rights... My daughter knows, likes, and finds interesting, and I think she gets the value of this wonderful group of people that we know and the choices they have made to have interesting, meaningful, lives.