Originally Posted by Mana
Mk13, just in case you haven't read this yet:


Maybe SCD plus social anxiety would be a better fit for your son as far as diagnosis goes. I hope you find a behavior therapist who "gets' your son so he/she can work in partnership with you and your son's speech therapist.

Mana, thank you so much for bringing this up! I have never heard of it but just reading in the link you provided that would make so much sense! The link mentions ASD needs to be ruled out first and the main distinction being that person with SCD does not have the repetitive / restrictive behaviors of an ASD person. THAT is exactly the point I have been trying to make to anyone who would listen to me (of those dealing with my son). He never had nor does he have now any of that. There are objects he likes (like his blankie) but that's a normal toddler / preschool behavior and other than that, we have never had to deal with any of this (unlike DS4.9 who's curtains had to be closed a certain way, lights had to be certain way, he had to be the first one down the stairs, shirt comes on first, then pants then socks, etc.) DS3.2 just kinda goes with the flow. He is our EASY child until he's put into an uncomfortable social / communication situation when he shuts down.

So this is definitely something I need to ask about at his next evaluation, whenever that will be!