Yet another little update, just proving that the school REALLY DOESN'T GET IT!

So I let the special ed lady know we are putting DS's IEP on hold and explained all the reasons why, the fact it stresses him out so bad and everything else and she emailed me back thanking me for letting her know and the next thing she says is something along the lines of "I hope he's coming to early childhood preschool in the fall. We are planning on having him in there" ... SERIOUSLY? With how hard just the twice weekly short therapy has been on him they expect him to feel fine in a 5 days a week preschool? Why exactly should I do this to him??? Not to mention, he absolutely despises any repetition and knowing this I should put him in a preschool where he'll spend all week watching others to learn one letter of the alphabet ... just to go through the same pain yet again the following year? We already know that the only time he comes out of his hiding is when he has something engaging and new to do / learn. Being forced to socialize while having nothing new to learn is really not that good of an idea.

Not to mention, I spent the whole day (well, the whole 3 hours) with the class earlier this week and used it to watch how the kids behave, how they are disciplined just to get an idea of if I could see DS3.2 fit in there at all and once again, I know he would be miserable. He would spend most of the day in time outs, which in return would get him more angry and would land him in more time outs. I saw it happen with one of the boys there who is in many ways like DS3.2 just not as high energy so at least when they put him in time out he would stay in time out. That would not be the case with our son.

So I just have to figure out a diplomatic way of saying thank you but no thank you ... for now. We will definitely revisit the idea of small group therapy when we feel DS is ready for it but I doubt much will change in the 3 months we have till the next school year starts.