Originally Posted by DeeDee
Originally Posted by DeHe
I think science wouldn't be this tough if they weren't doing so little of it in elem to begin with - which I do not understand at all!

True here too. They seem to recycle the same few facts about the solar system, the water cycle, and the parts of plants over and over again. It's been hard on DS10 waiting to get to the good stuff.

We did let DS do ALEKS chemistry, but I bet your DS7 doesn't quite have enough math yet. Hang onto that as an option, though; it kept DS out of trouble for a little while.


I actually was talking to DS about online classes this morning - the MOOC's - he's intrigued by them - I just checked out the ALEKS - the college level science one? I didn't see any others? Maybe we should do some CTY or something. Although I am still miffed that the whole point was to give him more IN SCHOOL ala Zen's idea of depth.
