Yes, this is a hard one.

We have not managed to get DS accelerated in science during the elementary years. They just aren't set up for that, or for any kind of real lab work. The braver teachers have used DS as a resource in their teaching, having him explain things to the other kids in greater depth from time to time as a diversion. Right now he's working on a presentation about elementary chemistry principles for the 5th graders.

This year (his grade 5 year) we had a high school chemistry student serve as DS's tutor: they met in the HS science lab under casual supervision by the teachers and had an absolutely fabulous time. It was the highlight of DS's week to know a cool older guy who loves this stuff as much as he does. Since your DS doesn't have the attention/writing skills, maybe this kind of setup would work, since it could be tailored to his level?

At DS's request we are working on a science accel. for middle school. We'll see...
