Eastcoast, I don't even know where my DS10's highest level would be. He went up through ALEKS High School Geometry as a young-for-grade 4th grader. (I called a halt at Algebra II because there was simply no sense in letting him go on at that age; I diverted his "running ahead" into science, which then has caused further placement issues.)

The minute you find the "highest level" on a kid like this, s/he whooshes past it anyhow. I have chosen not to homeschool my DS-- our particular kid needs peers in his areas of interest-- but there is no place to put him in a classroom for absolutely optimal pace and content.

My aim has been more modest: find a class where DS can be happy to be there, engaged in on-topic conversation with the other kids, and learning some. Teacher match has been absolutely key in this-- having a teacher who understands how interested he is in this material-- and having some peers who are also excited about learning is also important.
