Originally Posted by Diamondblue
Thank you so much for the feedback, everyone. I actually called the ESE/Gifted Administrator for Lee County this morning and asked her if the recommendation is final. She said the recommendation was given because the county does not offer full-time gifted until 2nd grade. Since he is still in first grade, they cannot make a full-time recommendation for this school year. She went on to say that ds score was "very high" and that during the IEP meeting, she suspects that full time gifted (along with some additional acceleration and enrichment) will be the recommendation for 2nd grade. We have school choice here, so we can choose from any of the elementary schools in our zone. Two of them have full time gifted programs.

Thank goodness - just yesterday he begged me to get him a 3rd grade math workbook. He is so irritated that he hasn't been able to move on to 3 digit addition and multiplication yet. I'm a little overwhelmed. . . lol.

It sounds like you have a great plan for next year in place.